Saturday, May 28, 2022

[OC] Martha's pretty point at Virgin Falls, Tennessee [4032 x 3024]

"Sunrise In The Long Grass" Heath and Reach, UK. [OC] 5999x3822

Lagoa do Fogo, São Miguel Island, Portugal [4032x3024] [OC]

Ice House Canyon Trail, Mt Baldy, CA, USA; October 2021 [4032x3024] [OC]

North Coast of Spain [OC][1280x1920] IG @holysh0t

Early Morning Rainbow in the Grand Tetons [OC] [6000x4000]

My first ever picture with a star tracker! The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae rising over Double Cone in Queenstown NZ. This is a real photo, will post a raw file in comments. IG: remarkable.images [OC] [1920x1280]

The Veluwe, the Netherlands [4032x2268][OC]